Cours de PABT® - Technicien Comportemental Certifié par PAABA™ (French)
ABA Technician Course Authored by Dr. Jane Paul and Meryem Ouahmane (French)
Your Instructor
Meryem Ouahmane, M.Psych. LLM - is a Child and Adolescent Psychologist, a behavior Consultant. Meryem completed her master in psychology at the university of Hertfordshire and a master in international law (Legal Rights of people with disabilities) at the Sorbonne university. She took her ABA courses certification from Florida institute of technology. She is currently pursuing advanced courses at the Brandman university.
Meryem has accumulated experience serving individuals with developmental disabilities over the span of nine years. She was employed at the ministry of education at the special education and worked at a center-Based ABA in the capacity of senior ABA therapist in Abu Dhabi.
She presented lectures, seminars, and workshops across Africa, Middle-East, Asia and Europe, in the field of Psychology, Applied behavior analysis, and the legal right of individuals with disabilities.
Meryem is currently working with children, adolescents and young people with developmental disabilities from diverse backgrounds, providing psychological support and assessments across multiple education settings, including government, independent schools and private practice. Meryem collaborates with ministries and NGOs in Morocco in all areas ranging from psychology, ABA, Autism, and a myriad of disabilities.